
Food & Drink JapanSnowtripTips-conveyor-belt-sushi-restaurant-tokyo

Published on June 17th, 2013 | by Japan Snowtrip Tips


Conveyor-belt Sushi in Tokyo: count your plates

The appeal of conveyor belt sushi restaurants have found there way to cities all around the world. But the freshness of sushi or sashimi in nearly any style of eatery in Japan, including hole-in-the-wall conveyor sushi joints, trumps all.

There aren`t any surprises when you eat sushi from a conveyor belt. What you see is what you get and what you see is what you pay. You don`t need to be able to read Japanese or speak Japanese. Just walk in, find an empty seat (or wait to be seated by the staff) and start chowing down.

If you`re on a tight budget, conveyor sushi can be a  great way to keep track of your eating expenses. But “cheap” sushi conveyor belts aren`t always as cost-friendly as you`d imagine.

A reasonable 1500Y/pp dinner can get out of control to become a 3000Y/pp affair. Although conveyor belt sushi restaurants are  generally affordable in Japan, it`s extremely easy to over-eat.

With prices normally ranging from 150yen-600yen per plate of a few fresh sushi/sashimi  — compared with sushi prices in North America or Europe at triple the cost for the same portion — it`s too tempting to not grab another, then another, then another…

Before you know it, 30 minutes later you`ll have a stack of 15 empty plates next to you.

If you paid attention to the color coded plate system, you`ll have wisely chosen a lot of the 150-300yen plates. If you have expensive taste and want the thick salmon sashimi, go for it but be ready to shell out twice as much yen as you really needed to get a full belly.

Make sure to enjoy at least one sushi meal at these convenient and usually delicious no-frills eateries during your travels through Japan. But don`t lose track of your plates. Otherwise, your Yen will disappear as quickly as the yummy little sushi that just passed you on the conveyor.

Go North to step-up your culinary platter in Japan

Conveyor sushi in Tokyo is a good idea. But when you`re in Western Hokkaido for powder skiing & snowboarding, it`s a better idea to book a table at one of the top izakaya in Sapporo.

Isokin is a local`s favorite so  find someone who can speak Japanese to call ahead well in advance, otherwise you`ll be left out in the cold (or at a lesser izakaya).



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is designed to help snowtrippers mix cultural excursions with epic powder submersions in Japan. All content is created by Alpine Objectives LLC owner, Christopher DiSabato, who has more than 20 years of international snowpro media, education and operations experience. JSTT offers honest, original, first-hand insight to help guide you along your journey of snow-driven discovery on Honshu & Hokkaido.

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